
The offsite workshop
in Abrau-Durso.

24 students from the Moscow School of New Cinema took part in an offsite workshop in Abrau-Durso. The students were divided into eight film crews.

For 16 days of staying in Abrau, 14 short films were filmed, 6 of which were subsequently presented at russian and international film festivals.

In addition to MSNC students, artists, sculptors, musicians came to the festival «Art Abrau» in Abrau Durso. A small village for two weeks turned into an art cluster.

All participants of the workshop gained a tremendous experience. The task was this: students in a short time (two weeks) were to remove a short film «from the ground up». It means,

that in «field» conditions students must go through all stages of film production: writing a script, selecting actors and locations, shooting, editing, sounding. At the end of the workshop, MSNС students presented their works to the jury of the festival «Art-Abrau».

At the workshop in Abrau, the students were accompanied by the leading teachers in the screenwriting, directing, editing film.
