About the school

Every time is concerned with building its own pictures of the world.

Goals and Objectives

The MSNC aims to release for the film industry directors, screenwriters, cameramen, actors, knowledge and skills that require modern cinema.
The school teaches to be sensitive.


An artist is a seeker of reality. Don't use the old tools, previous moves, styles. The old language lost its energy, fluid. And there is no point
in learning dead canons.

The «sold out» notice at the premiere of the Igor Poplahin's film.

On July 25, the Moscow premiere of the film «Calendar»
of the graduate of the MSNC Igor Poplauhin in the cinema
«Karo October 11». For the first time in the history of the this film theatre at the premiere of a short film (28 minutes) the big cinema hall was full.

The victory of the MSNC in Cannes
Film Festival and Kinotavr in 2018.

Short film by Igor Poplauhin «Calendar» was awarded
the second place in the competition program Cinéfondation
71 International Cannes Film Festival. Also, the film took the Grand Prix
in the short film competition of «Kinotavr».

A cycle of open lectures at the Moscow School of New Cinema.

The Moscow School of New Cinema will host an open lecture on «The Languages of Cinema. Change of paradigms»
in April. At the end of the this event will be organized
a roundtable discussion in the lecture hall.

The victory of the MSNC in Cannes Film Festival and Kinotavr in 2018.

Short film by Igor Poplauhin «Calendar» was awarded
the second place in the competition program Cinéfondation
71 International Cannes Film Festival. Also, the film took
the Grand Prix in the short film competition of «Kinotavr».

MSNC at the film festival «Message to Man».

Films of the graduates of the Moscow School of New Cinema in three competitive programs of the 18th International Film Festival «Message to Man». The festival will take place
on 15th – 22nd September, 2018, in St. Petersburg.

The «sold out» notice at the premiere of the Igor Poplahin's film in Moscow.

On July 25, the Moscow premiere of the film «Calendar»
of the graduate of the MSNC Igor Poplauhin in the cinema
«Karo October 11». At the premiere of a short film
(28 minutes) the big cinema hall was full.

All news and events
School events


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Students theater

Consortium of three schools